Smile Design

Every smile is unique and unrepeatable!

A smile has an impact on self-confidence and contributes to a better appearance. A smile should be attractive, harmonious and should improve the quality of life.

When the patients come to the office, they are unsure what the end result will be. Therefore we use the Digital smile design to construct the smile for the patient, in order for them to see the final result in advance.

Smile design is a protocol for planning your future smile. Through communication with the patient, visual aids and software, the dentist can create the exact appearance of your future smile, then he/she can try out this same new smile with the so-called mock-up. Mock up presents on the patients’ teeth the look of his future smile and all that before initiating any invasive irreversible action.

Smile design has pushed the boundaries of modern dentistry. By using it, the dentist can better understand the wishes of his patient, and together with the patient and the dental technician it is easier to come up with a perfect smile.

Smile design is individual and varies from person to person. It makes it easier to create a harmonious and beautiful smile, which is functional at the same time.
