All on 4/6

You are missing more teeth and want to solve this problem once and for all? All-on-4 / All-on-6 method is the best solution for you!

This will give you great new teeth that you will be proud to show off.

What is the All-on-4 / All-on-6 method and what do you get with it?

If you have lost your natural teeth due to health or other reasons, All-on-4 and All-on-6 are the ideal solution for you. These methods consist of placing 4 or 6 titanium implants that will completely replace the teeth in the upper, lower or both jaws.

With good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, this painless fixed-prosthetic solution lasts a lifetime. It will improve the structure of your entire face, boost your self-confidence and give you the beautiful new smile you deserve.

This method is the most effective and most common dental solution to the problem of complete edentulism or lack of several teeth. "All on Four" and "All on Six" mean the installation of a fixed dental bridge (with all teeth) on four or six implants, in one or both jaws.

Installed dental implants function as a kind of bracket. A bridge that gets placed on them and permanently fixed can be made of various types of materials. With this procedure we will restore the complete functionality and natural appearance of your teeth, allowing you to chew normally again and have a radiant smile.

Our dentist will first examine the density and volume of your bone to confirm whether you are a candidate for this method, and it is usually necessary to do a 3D CT scan of the jaw in which the procedure would be performed.

Who is All-on-4 / All-on-6 for?

We recommend this procedure to patients suffering from problems such as:

  •  Completely toothless jaw
  •  Very bad tooth condition, where the only option is to completely remove and replace them 
  • Problems with dentures and getting adjusted to wearing them

In such serious cases that are not only aesthetic in nature, but also affect everyday activities such as food consumption, it is important to visit an oral specialist who will analyze the entire dental situation, and then make a detailed plan of the procedure and treatment.

What does the All-on-4 / All-on-6 procedure look like?

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Specialist examination and diagnostics

First we will analyze your dental situation and, if necessary, refer you for a detailed CT scan, i.e. dental imaging. In this way we will determine bone density, which is important to us in order to define the type and scope of work we need to do to completely solve your tooth problem. If we find that the bone is good enough, we go with the implant placement.
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Temporary dentures

During the healing process, you will not be left without teeth. Instead you will get a temporary denture made according to your jaw. It is necessary to wear it until the implant has fully fused with the bone. The healing process takes about 3 months.
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Recovery from the procedure

After these procedures, our dentist will give you detailed instructions. The length of recovery varies from patient to patient. It is important to follow the instructions in order for the location where the implant was placed heals as quickly as possible. We will advise you on proper oral hygiene, taking the necessary medications and activities during the coming months in order to recover as soon as possible.
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Trial and final prosthetic appliances

After 3 to 6 months, when the implant healing process is complete, we can proceed and make the fixed prosthetic appliances. It takes about 10 days to make the fixed prosthetic appliances. When we completely adjust them to your jaw, we finish by cementing them, thus laying a solid foundation for your beautiful new smile.

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